Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev – KAI
Become a center of attraction of the intellectual elite, creating the most favorable environment for development of educational activities, scientific research and innovation, for the formation of new generations of scientific and engineering staff, able to lead and hold on the orbit of global competitiveness of the enterprises of the Russian aircraft industry, power engineering, automotive, transport, TT and nanotechnologies.

With the aim of training highly skilled engineering and scientific personnel for the aviation industry 5 March 1932, signed a joint decree of the Main Department of people's Commissariat of heavy industry and of the Secretariat of the Tatar regional Committee of the VKP(b) on the establishment of the Kazan Aviation Institute (KAI).
History of the Institute begins with two branches - the drag and aircraft manufacturing, which in 1932 enrolled about 200 students.
With the Institute associated with the names of bright scientists and mechanical engineers, experts in aerodynamics, heating, designers of the strategic missile forces, power engineers, systems engineers and radio operators. S. P. Korolev, V. P. Glushko, G. S. Jirickiy, N. G. Chetaev, H. M. Mushtari, G.W. Kamenkov, S.G. Nujin, A.V. Bulgarsky, S.V. Rumyantsev, E. N. Sivalnev - laid the foundations of higher aviation education and basic scientific schools of the university.
Created as industrial University, KAI developed together with the aerospace complex of the USSR and the beginning of 90th years has emerged as a powerful educational and scientific center, where trained for more than 8 thousand students in 22 specialties.
For merits in preparation of highly skilled experts and contribution to the development of science Kazan Aviation Institute awarded the Labor red banner (1967) and peoples ' Friendship (1982), and in 1973, received the honor to bear the name of the famous aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev.
Nikolay Chetaev (1902-1959)
Nikolay Chetaev is a scientist in the domain of mechanics.
He was an organizer of Aerodynamic Department of Kazan State University, which became a basis for the KAI establishing. He also was the first Deputy Director for Research and Academic Affairs of KAI. N. Chetaev developed training programs, opened post-graduate and doctoral studies, put the foundation of science schools in KAI.
Since 1940 N. Chetaev worked in the Institute of Mechanics of USSR Academy of Sciences as the Deputy Director. Director. Managing Editor of journal «Applied Mathematics and Mechanics». At the same time he was a professor, head of Theoretical Mechanics Department in the Moscow State University.
Nikolay Chetaev was a Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Full Member of the Academy of Artillery Sciences. Lenin Prize Winner. Honored Scientist of Tatarstan.
Beginning from the 1962. Chetaev Conferences held in KAI. which have become international.
One of the Kazan streets has the name of N. Chetaev.
In 1992, the institution received the status of University and was renamed the Tupolev Kazan State Technical University. Has opened more than 40 new specialties: engineering, natural, socioeconomic, humanitarian. Well-known scientific-pedagogical schools, high intellectual potential and the status of University, have a short time to turn the university into one of the best technical universities in Russia.
Today KNITU-KAI is recognized in Russia and abroad, modern educational and research complex, which prepares highly qualified personnel for high-tech industries. Modernized, the material-technical base of educational process, to strengthen ties with the production, develops international cooperation. KNITU-KAI becomes the center of attraction - University, corresponding to the best world standards.
In 2007, KAI among the 57 universities of Russia, became the winner of the national contest of innovative educational programs within the framework of the national project «Education». The University received the opportunity to implement a training program for specialists of the world level in the field of creation and use of info-communication technologies. In the framework of the project carried out a large-scale technical re-equipment of the University, modernized information and communication environment, developed new technologies of training, provided with a complete access to the world scientific and educational resources.
Georgy Kamenkov (1908-1966)
Не worked in KAI since 1932. in 1933 he defended the first Ph.D. dissertation in KAI. and in 1937 at age of 29 - the first full doctoral dissertation. ln the critical days of World War ll (late 1941- early 1942) KAI was managed to maintain only by G. Kamenkov effotrs despite the already adopted decision a higher authority to close it. Some students of KAI at thas time were directed to work on aircraft and engine factories. 620 students and staff people worked on the construction of defensive structures, many of them volunteered to the front. In this regard, it was decided to minimize the training process and give the area of the institute to the Academy of Sciences. Kharkov Aviation Institute and several other organizations were evacuated. At that time G. Kamenkov was the Deputy Director, head of the Department of Aerodynamics, which basis aerodynamic engineers ofTsAGI led by M. Keldysh worked on. Thanks to the authority, original and daring deeds of George Kamenkov KAI was managed to defend.
In July. 1944. G. Kamenkov was appointed director of KAI. in July. 1949 he was moved to Moscow Aviation Institute as Deputy Director and Head of the Department of Aerodynamics.
From 1956 to 1958 G. Kamenkov was director of the MAI.
In 2009, KNITU-KAI entered the elite of Russian education in the number of universities which have a status of national research University.
- 5 institutes (Institute of aviation, transportation and energy; the Institute of automation and electronic instrument engineering; Institute of technical Cybernetics and computer science; Institute of Radioelectronics and telecommunications; Institute of Economics, management and social technologies and the Physics and mathematics faculty),
- 8 branches (Almetyevsk, Bugulma, Elabuga, Leninogorsk, Naberezhnye Chelny branches, Zelenodolsk Institute of mechanical engineering and information technology, the Nizhnekamsk Institute of information technologies and telecommunications, Chistopol branch of «East»).
The University is implementing a program aimed at development of high technology engineering, covering aviation and automotive industry. Develop research, is the integration of education, science and business. A network of innovative enterprises, which not only produce high-tech products, but also provide practical training for the youth, allowing knowledge transfer.
Sergey Lebedev (1885-1956)
A scientist of the applied mechanics and engineering field.
National Scientific Council of the USSR in 1926 approved S. Lebedev, as a professor of applied mechanics. in 1927 as a Professor of Strength of Materials, and in 1928 as a Professor of Machine Elements without a doctoral disseratation defence.
In the mid-1930s. S. Lebedev was wrongly accused of involvement in the affairs of «Industrial Party» and was expelled from Moscow.
G. Kamenkov invited him to work in KAI. Since 1935. all educational and scientific activities of S. Lebedev is associated with KAI. He is one of the founders of mechanical engineering education in KAI. head of the Department of Machine Elements and Applied Mechanics. During the World War II. Professor Lebedev performed important work on the instructions of the People's Commissariat of Defense.
S. Lebedev is one of the co-editors and co-author of the HUtte technical handbook.
Honored Scientist of Tatarstan Republic.
The educational process in the University is carried out according 103 directions and specialties of higher professional education, 56 bachelor's and 16 - masters. 66 departments, there are about 17 thousand students.
Acts 8 doctoral and candidate's dissertation councils on 28 specialties.
The University established a network of scientific and educational centers, whose main task is the development of innovative technologies and their implementation in real sector of economy.
From September 1, 2014. planned opening in the structure of the KNITU-KAI of the German- Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies (GRIAT).
Partners KNITU-KAI in this project are the leading German engineering institutes: Technical University of Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau), University of Magdeburg (OVGU University of Magdeburg).
Teaching in GRIAT will be master programs in English and Russian and includes training students for 1 semester at a partner University from Germany. After the graduation master will receive two diplomas: KNITU-KAI and one of the German universities.
KNITU-KAI has the certificate of conformity to the international quality standards in the field of educational services and research activities of the ISO 9001:2000.
KNITU-KAI is a member of European University Association (EUA) and the member of European Association of Aerospace Universities PEGASUS.
Andrey Bolgarskii (1886-1967)
Не worked In KAI since 1932. The organizer and first head of Department of Heat Engineering.
In 1942. the Scientific Council of Energy Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciense. has awarded the Doctor of Technical Sciences degree to A. Bolgarskii passing the Ph.D. degree.
Bolgarskii is founder of the Kazan Science-Educa- tion School of thermal power.
Honored Scientist of RSFSR.

In KNITU-KAI formed a special style of organization of educational process and scientific research. He is organic combination of the fundamental University education and science with their applied science.
Scientific-research Department includes 5 research institutes, 5 research centres, 42 research laboratories, industrial Park.
Research infrastructure is actively developing.
In 2011 in KNITU-KAI is also a Scientific and educational center of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, equipped with the unique equipment. Collaborative research on the application of nanocomposite materials being with such enterprises as JSC «KAPO after S.P. Gorbunov», JSC «Kazan helicopter plant», Design Bureau «Sokol», «Tupolev», JSC «Kazanorgsintez», JSC «KAMAZ».
Together with the Design Bureau «Sokol» an engineering center «KAI-Composite», specializing in the field of advanced composite technology.
In 2013 Regional engineering center of industrial laser technologies «KAI-Laser» together is established with the world leader in this field - the Corporation IPG Photonics».
KNITU-KAI annually wins prizes and is awarded with diplomas and prizes by results of the Republican review «for the best performance of inventive, innovative and patent-license work, research, engineering, design organizations and institutions of the RT» and the contest «50 best innovative ideas of the Republic of Tatarstan».
Evgeniy Sivalnev (1887-1955)
Sivalnev is scientist in the aviation technology field.
He was on the top positions in the aviation industry since 1918. E. Sivalnev worked in KAI since 1938: the head of Department of Aircraft Production, Deputy Director for Research and Academic Affairs., The pulling- over presses KAI-1, andKAI-2 (Ro-1), andKAI-5, KAI-7, which became the prototype of modern equipment for the manufacture of parts by plastic forming, were developed and implemented in the production under his leadership.
In autumn 1941, E. Sivalnev supervised the installation of the aviation plant equipment was evacuated to Kazan from Moscow and putting it into operation. In subsequent years he worked as a part-time consultant at the Kazan aviation plant.
E. Sivalnev is an honorary citizen of Petrograd.
The important step in development of cooperation with enterprises was the acquisition by KNITU-KAI together with JSC «KAMAZ» and JSC «Kazan helicopter plant» subsidies of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for development of knowledge- intensive production and stimulation of innovation activities.
KNITU-KAI jointly with JSC «KAMAZ» will develops eco-friendly vehicles and engines with high consumer properties and low operational costs.
Cooperation with JSC «Kazan helicopter plant» is conducted on the development and testing of units of the upgraded helicopter ANSAT and modernization of production of the factory, and training of the engineering staff.
Agreement between the Ministry of industry and trade of Tatarstan, JSC «United aircraft Corporation» (UAC) and the KNITU-KAI is provides long-term cooperation in the sphere of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists and scientific personnel, conducting career guidance activities, as well as the implementation of joint research and innovative projects in the interests of the organisation's aircraft industry.
Also long-term cooperation with one of the leaders in the field of development of engines and measurement equipment, Austrian company AVL LIST GmbH, is established.
Sergey Rumyantsev (1913-1990)
Sergey Rumyantsev is a scientist in the aircraft engines field.
He worked In KAI since 1938: a founder and first head of Department of Aircraft Engines. He became one of the organizers of the Engine-Building Faculty and the Department of Rocket Engines. Faculty Dean. Deputy Director for Research and Academic Affairs. Director of KAI (1949-1955).
After completing doctoral studies in Moscow from 1955 to 1960 he was Deputy. Minister of Higher Education of the USSR, the organizer and the first rector of the University of Peoples Friendship.
During the World War II the Department staff under the direction of S. Rumyantsev, together with scientists from the Institute of Chemical Physics. USSR Academy of Sciences under the guidance of Academician N. Semenov carried out a number of tasks on combustion problem, one of which was the development of afterburner-torch ignition aircraft engines.
Sergey Rumyantsev is Honored Scientist of RSFSR.

On the territory of the KNITU-KAI is continuing the construction of the campus «КА1- grad», which will most effectively organize the educational processes, meeting the demands of modern research University.
General plan of the building is planned to construct 5 educational and laboratory buildings with total area of 150 thousand square meters For Universiade-2013, with the assistance of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan in the territory of KAI-town built a sports complex «КА1- Olymp» with a total area of 4.2 thousand sq.m., universal sports complex with a swimming pool, Playground and training halls with an area of 7.2 thousand sq.m., stadium with a Seating capacity of 1,500 spectators.
In 2018 world championship on football. In these competitions will be engaged sports facilities available to Tupolev KNITU-KAI.
Yuri Odinokov (1910-1996)
Yuri Odinokov is a scientist in the aircraft strength field. He became the first KAI graduate who defended his Ph.D. dissertation work in 1940. and full doctoral dissertation - in 1944. Yuri Odinokov was the head of Department of Structural Mechanics of Aircraft, and Dean of Faculty of Aircraft-Buiding, and Deputy. Director of KAI.
Yuri Odinokov had created a Kazan scientific school of aircraft strength (there are more than 20 Full Doctors and 70 Ph.D scientists among his students).
He is an author of the textbook for aviation institution students «Strength Analysis of the Aircraft».
During the World War II. Y. Odinokov was a head of the laboratory of strength, where the strength laboratory staff of TsAGI worked in. In 1943 Y. Odinikov was appointed a head of the research sector, created by order of the USSR People's Commissariate of the aviation industry to guide the work of economic contracts. Yuri Odinokov is a Honored Scientist of Tatarstan and the RSFSR.
Institute is the only one in the Republic of Tatarstan, where the train engineers in the field of aerospace and aircraft industry. In addition the Institute can get a profession in the field of transport, energy, technology, manufacturing.
Implement joint training programmes with Russia`s United aircraft Corporation, JSC «КАРО. S. P. Gorbunov», JSC «Kazan helicopter plant», JSC «КМРО» and other.
JSC «KAMAZ» is one of the main partners of KNITU-KAI in the field of science and innovation and training of highly qualified specialists for machine building production. Machine building educational cluster «KAMAZ - Kazan Aviation Institute (KAI)» is the bright example of efficient cooperation.
Directions of education:
- aircraft construction
- aircraft and helicopters
- shipbuilding
- aircraft engines
- design of aircraft and rocket engines
- exploitation of transport and technological machines and complexes
- heat power engineering and technology
- power engineering
- material science and technology of materials
- mechanical engineering
- engineering and design software machine building production
- technical physics
- informatics and computer engineering
- technospheric security
The main directions of research activity:
- solution of problems of strength, aerodynamics and technology of the aircraft;
- processes of Aerohydrodynamics and heat transfer;
- conversion processes and energy losses in aircraft and rocket engines and power installations;
- forming of details of complex profile for aviation equipment;
- automation of technological and production processes
Valentin Glushko (1908-1989)
V. Glushko led the first for the Russian universities Department of Rocket Engines in 1945 in KAI. Subsequently. V. Glushko was a scientist, designer of the rocket engines, one of the pioneers of the national rocket and space technology.
He was a member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Astronautics, twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of Lenin Prize, twice Laureate of the USSR State Prize.
V. Glushko is Honorary Citizen of the city of Kazan, one of the city streets named after him.
Sergei Korolev (1907-1966)
In 1945 Sergey Korolev was one of the founders of the first in Russia Department of Rocket Engines in KAI, and a senior lecturer at this department.
Subsequently, S. Korolev was the founder of practical astronautics, chief designer of the first missile and space systems.
Korolev was the Full Member of the Academy of Science of USSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the Lenin Prize.
One of the streets of Kazan has the name of Sergey Korolev
In cooperation with the concern «АЕС» is carried out training of specialists for the development, production and exploitation of modern measuring-computing systems and device complexes, automatic control and navigation systems.
Together with the state Corporation «Rostekhnologii» is conducted preparation of experts in the field of optoelectronic devices and systems; electrical equipment of aircraft, vehicles and enterprises, standardization and certification; engineering protection of the environment.
Directions of education:
- instrument making
- management in technical systems
- power and electrical engineering
- system of traffic management and navigation
- optotechnic
- biotechnical systems and technologies
- quality management
- standardization and metrology
- technospheric security
The main directions of research activity:
- dynamics of Aero and space objects;
- flight safety of aircraft:
- new medical devices and systems;
- systems of orientation and management of marine, air underground objects;
- power supply system, diagnostics and control of a variety of vehicles;
- opto-electronic systems and devices;
- energy-saving equipment and technology;
- chemistry and environmental engineering.
Georgii Zhiritsky (1893-1966)
Scientist and designer in the field of turbine and steam engines.
G. Zhiritsky was Professor. Dean of the Mechanical Faculty of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute since 1925. Professor. Head of Bauman Higher Technical School Department of Steam Turbines - since 1929. and head of Department of Steam Turbines, the Dean of the Moscow Energy Institute - since 1930.
In 1937 he was groundlessly arrested. Since 1939 he was a deputy chief designer of a Special Desigh Bureau of NKVD headed by V.GIushko. In 1941 Zhiritsky was evacuated in Kazan together with his Desugn Bureau in Kazan Engine-Building Plant.
In 1944 he was discharged with cancellation of conviction.
G. Zhiritsky worked in KAI since 1945. He is one of the organizers of the first in the country Department of Rocket Engines, the organizer and the leader of the country's first Department of Turbomachinery.
G. Zhiritsky is Honored Scientist of Tatarstan and the RSFSR.
One of the Moon craters in 1966 got the name of G. Zhiritsky for the honour of his achievements to science and rocket science.
Оn the basis of the developed over many years of scientific schools of training and research in the field of radio engineering, electronics, optoelectronics and telecommunications.
IRET closely cooperates with the leading high-tech companies of electronic industry of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation. This ensures the high quality of preparation, four graduate IRET became General designers.
KAZAN-KAI, being head high school education cluster «Information communications and communications of the Republic of Tatarstan», provides continuous training for the industry of communications and Informatization.
Bachelor degree and a magistracy:
- radiotehnika
- electronics and nanoelectronics
- infocommunication technologies and communication systems
- designing and technology of electronic means
- radioelectronic systems and complexes
- maintenance of transport radio equipment
In the direction of infocommunication technologies and communication systems in the framework of the German-Russian Institute of new technologies (GRINT) is an international master program
Communications and Signal Processing together with the Technical University, Ilmenau, Germany (TU Ilmenau, German).
Vyacheslav Alemasov (1923-2006)
Vyacheslav Alemasov is a scientist in the field of physical and technical problems of aircraft engines.
V. Alemasov worked in KAI since 1947: the head of Department of Special Motors (1965-1988), at the same time in 1987-1991 - the Chairman of the Presidium of the Kazan Branch of the Academy of Sciense of USSR. Since 1991 he worked in the Department of Energy, of Kazan Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciense.
He created a new scientific direction of the thermal analysis for domestic rocket engine building. V. Alemasov was the head of the development of scientific bases of technical means of thermophysical infuence on petroleum-bitumen layers.
He is an author of the textbook «Theory of Rocket Engines», which reprinted three times.
V. Alemasov is a Full member of the Academy of Sciences, member of the International Academy of Astronautics, an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, twice winner of USSR State Prize, Honored Scientist of Tatarstan and the RSFSR. Honored Professor of Tupolev KSTU.
The peculiarity of training in the Institute is the combination of profound theoretical knowledge in the field of mathematics, electronics, control theory, computer architecture, information security with practical skills in programming, designing and maintenance of databases, computer modeling, the development of multimedia technologies, the creation of secure information systems. Using high-performance computing cluster studies in the field of Aero - and hydrodynamics, structural and engineering analysis, protection of information and other high-tech fields.
Directions of education:
- applied mathematics and informatics
- information security of telecommunication systems
- information security
- designing and technology of electronic means
- informatics and computer engineering information systems and technologies
The main directions of research activity:
- stochastic computational systems and information protection;
- automated control systems and information processing and ergonomics;
- applied mathematics and Informatics in technical systems;
- modeling and control processes at industrial enterprises
Rashid Nigmatullin (1923-1991)
Rashid Nigmatullin is a scientist in the field of radioelectronics.
R. Nigmatullin worked in KAI since 1953: the head of Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering and Electronics, professor, rector of the KAI (1967-1977). He has made a significant contribution to molecular electronics, and founded the scientific school well- known in the country and aboard.
In the 1971-1980 years R. Nigmatullin in combination was a Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Tatarstan.
R. Nigmatullin is Honored Scientist of RSFSR.
Name ofR. Nigmatullin has one of the streets of Kazan.
The faculty provides implementation of state educational standards in mathematics and subjects of the science curriculum for engineering-technical, engineering -economic and humanitarian specialties of the University. Trains bachelors, masters and engineers on physical and mathematical directions.
Directions of education:
- applied mathematics and informatics
- material science and technology of materials
- technical physics
- laser technic and laser technology
During the period of study students get a fundamental physical and mathematical education with intensive training in the field of Informatics and automation systems, study the physical foundations of quantum electronics, interaction of laser radiation with matter, coherent and non-linear optics, laser equipment, laser technology, computer and information technologies and special disciplines.
During training students of the Department have an opportunity to actively participate in implementation of scientific-research and experimental-design works on priority directions of Federal target programs of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, in the works by contracts with Russian and foreign firms and universities.
Yuri Kozhevnikov (1932-2001)
Yuri Kozhevnikov is a scientist in the field of theory of flight and optimal control.
He worked in KAI since 1955: the head of Department of Higher Mathematics (1967-1972). founder and head of Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (1972-2001). the first Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Control Systems (1972-1973). rector of the Institute (1977-1987).
He created the scientific direction for the optimization of processes and systems with random properties.
Yuri Kozhevnikov is Corresponding Member of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.
Honored Scientist of Tatarstan. Russian Federation. Honored Professor of Tupolev Kazan State Technical University.
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of KAI named after Y. Kozhevnikov.
Specialists in the field of management and public relations are an integral link in the chain of the enterprise -customer. Graduates of the KNITU-KAI in demand both in commercial and state structures, and major industrial enterprises.
Institute of economy, management and social techlogies (ИЭУиСТ) in the structure of the KAZAN UNIVI RSITY implements programs of preparation of bachelors, masters and post-graduate students on socio-economic areas and is part of machine building educational cluster and the United aviation Corporation (UAC), and also acts as an educational and methodological centre for the educational institutions NGO the primary, secondary and higher professional education.
Directions of education:
- economy
- management
- trade business
- advertising and public relations
- personnel management
- jurisprudence
- organization and management of science intensive productions
A huge role in modern society play a socio-humanitarian and economic constituents of professional education. In conditions of ecological and social crises any professional activity of a person shall only be made in accordance with economic policies to ensure safe and in the perspective of developing public existence. Our Institute is preparing not just professional lawyers, economists, managers and public relations specialists, successful, purposeful people, capable to solve problems of the real sector of the economy.
The Institute works in close cooperation with large industrial enterprises of Tatarstan, organizations of trade and sphere of services, business structures in the field of training of qualified personnel.
Makhfuzya Maksutova (1921-2009)
Makhfuzya Maksutova is KAI graduate of 1946.
She is the first in Tatarstan indigenous woman - doctor of technical sciences, the first woman - Dean of Faculty in KAI. Deputy of Supreme Soviet of Tatarstan.
She is Honored Scientist of Tatarstan, and Tupolev Kazan State Technical University Honor Professor.
Mikhail Simonov (1929-2011)
Mikhail Simonov is KAI graduate of 1954.
In 1956. he created in KAI one of the country's first student design bureau.
Since 1983. he is the chief designer of Sukhoi Design Bureau. The founder of a scientific school of military super-maneuverable planes Su-27 Su-30 Su-33 Su-35. Hero of Russia. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. Honor Professor of KSTU-KAI.
His name was inscribed on the plaque of honor in the Hall of Fame of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington.
University Publishing Office is one of the eldest in Kazan. The first collection of KAI scientific papers was issued in 1933.
Nowadays, KNRTU-KAI Publishing Office issues scientific and educational literature, monographs, training manuals, including approved by Educational Methodical Office and with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Issued in the KNRTU-KAI intercollegiate journal «Russian Aeronuatics» and journal «Vestnik of Tupolev KNRTU» are included in the list of publications, in which the Higher Attestation Commission recom- mendes to publish main results of theses for a candidate or doctorate degree.
In 2003 Publishing Office opened a new series «Life of Remarkable People of KAI» along with the academic and scientific literature. 15 books in this series are already published.
Since 1956, the high school edition newspaper «Wings» is printed in the Publishing Office shops
Boris Gubanov (1930-1999)
Boris Gubanov is the chief designer of military missiles and space rockets.
He is KAI graduate of 1953.
He was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor for the creation of heavy intercontinental ballistic missile R-36M. This complex is still an effective missile weapons.
In 1982 he was transferred to the Rocket And Space Corporation «Energia» as the first deputy. B. Gubanov was a Chief Designer and Deputy Chief Designer of rocket-space system «Energia-Buran».
Gubanov is Lenin Prize Winner. Member of the International Academy of Astronautics, an Honorary Member of the National Academy of Astronautics United States
The university involved in the development of culture and sports, to help students realize their ambition.
Vocal jazz and choral vocal studio, the studio of stage mastery, dance groups, uniting more than 500 people acts in KNRTU-KAI.
The creative team KNRTU-KAI is a multiple winner of awards of festival «Student Spring», «Russian Student Spring».
Since 1982, KAI is traditionally held in the National Festival of Small Theatre «Ikariada» for the memory of Arkadii Raikin.
KNRTU-KAI is excellent well established in the Vladimir Potanin Charity Fund. Since 2007, KAI students won three grants of the Fund and gave the opportunity to realize their projects.
In 2010, KNRTU-KAI was the only region winner in the national competition for the right to become a center of volunteers preparing for organizing and hosting the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, and the Universiade 2013 in Kazan.
Students of KNRTU-KAI are among the leaders of sport in Tatarstan and Russia. Teams in football, water polo, basketball, mini-football participates in the Russia top sporting leagues.
In 2011, the united team of KNRTU-KAI won the Football Cup of the National Football League of colleges in Russia.
University students are in teams of Russian athletics and swimming.
After fifty years I Honored Master of Sports reappeared in KNRTU-KA - epeated champions in arm wrestling L. Khamidullina and S. Blokhin.
Aleksandr Kurynov (1934-1973)
Aleksandr Kurynov is Olympic gold medalist (1960), Honored Master of Sports.
He is a KAI graduate of 1963, an employee of the Department of Sports.
In 1960 at the XVII Olympic Games in Rome, he became the winner in weightlifting in the welterweight class. Kurynov is three-time world champion, four-time European champion. He improved the world record 14 timesandthe USSRrecord- 15times. He wasawarded more than 30 gold medals for these successes. International competitions in weightlifting in memoriam A. Kurynov held every year in Kazan since 1975.
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Karl Marx st.10, Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation
Тел./Tel.: (843) 238-41-10, 231-00-27